
Meriño 310-B, archaeological pieces from the 16th century recovered in the First City of the Americas.

Meriño 310-B, archaeological pieces from the 16th century recovered in the First City of the Americas. Valorization of a chicoid-style vessel from the Taíno culture, indigenous pieces with possible origins beyond the Antilles islands, ceramics of Italian and Spanish origin, decorated and glazed to serve food (plates and bowls), and other table service pieces (a stoneware liquor storage container and oil jugs), common pottery made from clay (lids, stoves or braziers, basins, chamber pots, and jars of various sizes), and decorative elements (bronze lock, tile fragments, a portion of gargoyle and molding), as well as fragments of ceramics used for metal casting or crucibles. The history, a testimony to everyday life, is connected with a figure from the Spanish colonial era. The pieces were recovered during excavations as part of the archaeological studies of the property. Given the socio-historical and cultural value, the findings underwent a careful and systematic process, including assembly (gluing and consolidation), typological classification, and inventory of assets (identification certificates and descriptive records). This led to a public exhibition that, along with a brief period setting, is compiled and included in the publication of this book.

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Honored and grateful, I warmly welcome you to the renewed website of Arlette Pichardo Muñiz. This project is the result of the collaborative work of countless people who orchestrated their creative talent within the warmth of primary relationships permeated with affection. It is a space designed to provide illustrated, friendly, and aesthetically pleasing value.

At 25 years old, besides having planted trees while awaiting the arrival of my son Jorge Luis, I wrote 'Planificación y Programación Social', the first book of its kind published in Costa Rica, with several reprints and subsequent editions in Argentina.

The use of my publications in study programs, research, evaluations, and, in general, in the management of public institutions, social organizations, and private entities at international, national, regional, and local levels can be considered the primary achievement of my professional career.Today, within the Learning Space ('being in the process of learning'), I continue writing and publishing, coordinating research, and leading evaluations, participating both face-to-face and virtually in thesis advisory sessions and national and international events, seeking innovations and alternative proposals. And, of course, planting ornamental plants.

This relaunch, thanks to advances in information and communication technologies, includes an accessibility mechanism that we hope to expand in future updates, marking a new phase of digitized and online services. We offer access with a click, through dynamic and interactive multimedia format spaces, to sites hosting my most recent and continuously evolving work.You will find audiovisual materials on pedagogical mediation, books, articles of scientific dissemination, and essays authored by me, as well as authored and compiled texts, co-authored books, book chapters in authorship and co-authorship; videos of participation in events and dissemination of initiatives, opinion articles in alternative media, and conversation spaces through podcasts (available for download in various formats). You will also find options for establishing dialogues, tutorials, and personalized advice, and even specialized technical assistance.

I hope you visit us frequently and stay informed about the latest updates.

Thank you, thank you very much, thank you immensely for enjoying contacting, visiting, getting to know, reading, conversing, and talking with Arlette Pichardo Muñiz.

Please, come in!
From somewhere on planet Earth,
in the spring of 2023.

Getting to know Arlette Pichardo Muñiz

Arlette Pichardo Muñiz, born in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Pioneer of alternative approaches in basic and advanced Planning and Evaluation texts. Known and recognized for several decades for its ability to articulate human talent in the institutional and social environments in which it operates.      

She has spent most of her life experience in and from Costa Rica. In her publications she subscribes herself as Arlette Pichardo Muñiz, in honor to the tradition of that culture that makes her mother's surname visible. Distinguished as Honorary Member of the Evaluation and Monitoring Network of Costa Rica (RedEvalCR). Also considered amongst the Pioneer Women of Sociology in Central America.

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Bookshopping with
Arlette Pichardo Muñiz

Arlette Pichardo Muñiz's bookshopping, a route leading to an important part of her most recent production (readings and audiovisuals), with access available by free download, redirection to institutional links or direct purchase possibilities. It also includes a general description of contents and recommendations for expansion and complementation.

Access books and audiovisuals

Chatting with
Arlette Pichardo Muñiz

Home confinement due to the pandemic reinforces Arlette Pichardo Muñiz's passion for the uses of information and communication technologies, managing pedagogical mediation proposals in Moodle and participating in Webinars and meetings through Zoom, Temas, Google Meet and other virtual platforms.

Get to know the project

"100 años de Paulo Freire"

"El centenario de Edgar Morin"

"14 de septiembre, cantar el himno nacional"

"Muere Manfred Max-Neef"

"Mi vida con Stephen Hawking. Hacia el Infinito"

"Ciencia, Orden y Creatividad"

La Estrategia Territorial, el gran faltante ante el impacto de COVID-19

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Impacto COVID-19

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Ay ay ay Vitico, maracas en manos

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Política Pública. Un constructo de moda II

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Política Pública. Un constructo de moda I

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Impacto del COVID-19, todo pasa y todo queda

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Gobernar con alma de mujer

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Los Pasteles en Hoja. Deuda saldada

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"Canta mundo", canción-tema del Vídeo "Pensar el Oficio de la Evaluación en tiempo de Coronavirus".

Orquesta Sinfónica de Caldas bajo la dirección del maestro Leonardo Marulanda. Interpreta Gilberto Santa Rosa

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"Buen día sol". Canción-tema de inspiración del libro "De cómo hacer Planificación Situacional aprendiendo".

Artistas invitados: Guadalupe Urbina Óscar Pino Santy Montoya Luis Ángel Castro Henry Calvo (Shaman) Alex Piedra Allan Guzmán Luis Enrique Mejía Godoy Bernardo Quesada Paula Quesada Manuel Monestel Miguel Solari María Pretiz Daniela Rodríguez Sofía Corrales Iván Rodríguez Jonathan Delgado Kin Rivera Humberto Vargas Marvin Rodríguez

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Clase inaugural primera edición del Curso de Evaluación de Impacto de Programas Sociales

Sistema de Información, Evaluación y Monitoreo (SIEMPRO) del Consejo Nacional de Coordinación de las Políticas Sociales (CNCPS) de la Presidencia de la Nación Argentina, en articulación con la Universidad Nacional Arturo Jautreche (UNAJ).

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Conversatorio Monitoreo-Evaluación: resolución inteligentes para construcción de datos signiticativos.

Sistema de Información, Evaluación y Monitoreo (SIEMPRO) del Consejo Nacional de Coordinación de las Políticas Sociales (CNCPS) de la Presidencia de la Nación Argentina, junto al Programa de Gobierno, Políticas Públicas y Transformación Social de la Universidad Nacional Arturo Jautreche (UNAJ).

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Conversatorio sobre Fortalecimiento de los Sistemas de Información Social

Sistema de Información, Evaluación y Monitoreo (SIEMPRO) del Consejo Nacional de Coordinación de las Políticas Sociales (CNCPS) de la Presidencia de la Nación Argentina y la Fundación Internacional para el Desarrollo Local (FINDEL).

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Compartiendo la experiencia de SIEMPRO-CNCPS con SIUBEN República Dominicana.

Sistema de Información, Evaluación y Monitoreo )SIEMPRO) del Consejo Nacional de Coordinación de las Políticas Sociales (CNCPS) de la Presidencia de la Nación Argentina y Sistema Único de Beneficiarios (SIUBEN) de la República Dominicana.

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Mesa redonda internacional La Evaluación como instrumento para la toma de decisiones en contextos excepcionales.

Maestría en Evaluación de Políticas Públicas de la Facultad de Trabajo Social de la Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos (UNER), Argentina.

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Presentación del libro "De cómo hacer Planificación Situacional aprendiendo

Recomendable: Libro:"De cómo hacer Planificación Situacional aprendiendo". Artículo: "Re-pensando a la Planificación como método de trabajo".

Ciclo de presentación de libros. Centro de Estudios Prospectivos (CEP). Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (UnCuyo). Mendoza, Argentina.

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Vídeo Forum "Pensar la Evaluación en tiempos de Coronavirus en Centroamérica"

Recomendable: Vídeo "Pensar el oficio de la evaluación en tiempo de Coronavirus". "Canta mundo", canción-tema del Video Eval Corona "Pensar el oficio de la Evaluación en tiempo de Coronavirus".

Red Hondureña de Evaluación (REDHPRESS)

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Evento inaugural Semana de Evaluación GLOCAL 2022

Recomendable: Cuando leo: "EvalEvolución ¿Cómo las innovaciones están transformando el Oficio de la Evaluación en América Latina y el Caribe? 11 minutos de lectura. "

Iniciativa Global de Evaluación (GEI) en alianza con organizaciones co convocantes en América Latina y el Caribe.

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Conferencia : "El imperativo de la Evaluación"

Recomendable: Ninguno

Red Internacional de Evaluación de Política Públicas (RIEPP)

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Recomendable: Ninguno

Red Boliviana de Evaluación (REDMEBOL) EvalYouth Bolivia

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Web page design: Codemera Arlette Pichardo Muñiz´s photos: Samuel VásquezGraphic line design: Estefanía CastilloMarketing: Isabel LópezStyle review: Dimitri Shiltagh PradaTranslation to English: Lorena Barrantes San RománPortuguese translation: Adriana Schadlich